
Showing posts from January, 2023

Reflection - 1/31/2023

  Today  in class we started a new poem written by Emily Dickinson.  We firstly started by going over facts about Emily Dickinson. After we finished that we started the poem, while  we were reading we also were having side competition about the stanzas. After we finished the poem we write our two themes and then we wrote about our take on the poem. After we finished the assignment we did the test over discipline that we do every semester. Overall todays class was easy and light.

Reflection - 1/30/2023

  Today  we started class by taking a vocabulary test over the words we went over last week. After we concluded the test we got started on our class assignment. Today i class we did a bubble type map over unpopular opinions. When we were done with the first half of the assignment we read over our answers as a class. Doing so took the last little bit of class due to side conversations about the assignment. Overall, todays class consisted of notes, test, and class conversations.

Reflection - 1/27/23

  Today in class we finished up a little bit of notes. After we finished our last bit of notes we started our class assignment. For todays assignment we wrote a claim about teen gun violence in Atlanta. We read an article on the teen gun violence and ways people want to prevent said violence. After we read the article we had to write a claim explaining ways we believe we can stop gun violence among teens. Overall class was easy due to the fact we didn’t do much but read and take notes.

Reflection - 1/26/23

Today i wasn’t in class due to the asvab testing.

Reflection 1/25/23

 Today in class we finished our notes over arguments. We also did an assignment with the whole class over logos, pathos, and ethos. In the assignment we had a prompt and we had to create a statement for the prompt using each one. After we completed the prompts we got into a class discussion concerning each topic. After we finished that we watched different ads and determined whether they were ethos, logos, or pathos. Overall class was chill today since all we did was review.

Reflection - 1/24/23

  Today in class we started off the class by doing notes and most of the class period consisted of note taking. We took notes over arguments and wrote about the different types of argument elements. We talked about rhetorical triangle who we talked about logos, pathos, and ethos. We wrote about the three elements arguments are composed of. We also talked about the three types of claims which consisted of claims of fact, claims of policy, and claims of value. After the notes we talked about an argumentative prompt and we created a cluster over said prompt. Overall, todays class wasn’t hard but it wasn’t easy either we just went over notes and had side conversations about our notes.

Reflection - 1/23/23

 Today we had a substitute so we didn’t have a bell ringer. We did put notes and vocabulary for the whole class. The class was very light due to the fact that Mr.Rease wasn’t here. We turned in our 15 sentences at the end of class. Overall, today was a easy day due to the fact that we had a substitute.

Reflection - 1/20/23

 Today in class we started class off by starting an assignment over brainstorming while using a cluster, where we did a cluster over something being overrated. My choice was college and why it’s overrated in certain aspects. I choose college because i feel like in some situations you don’t need to go to college. For some people college isn’t an option without a scholarship because of money, and also some people do pretty well in life without going to college. After we did that we told the class our choice and our reasonings for the choice. Overall. today class was very light since we didn’t really do much today in class.

Overrated Cluster


Reflection - 1/19/23

 Today in class we watched a short film called “Identity”. The film showed that you shouldn’t try to be like everyone else in society is. The film showed that no matter what you should be yourself at the end of the day. After we finished the film we wrote about the meaning behind the film as a bell ringer. Then, we started the class assignment by revising other classmates body paragraphs over the theme how to obtain a job. To close off class we took notes over the other three components of brainstorming. We then took 1 minute and 30 seconds to free write about the benefits of doing a sport in high school. Overall, the class was easy today because we just focused on revising which was very easy. 

Bell Ringer

 The film “Identity” represents society and its social norms. The girl in the video represents someone is outside of the social norms. In the video we see her going through school being what some would call and outcast because the mask that everyone wears hers is different.I noticed in the film that the girls had yellow mask, the boys army green, and then certain clics had red mask. Overall, the film shows that even if you stand out in a crowd that doesn’t mean you have or feel so bad about being different.

Reflection - 1/18/23

  Today we started class by talking about our recent test scores. After that we pulled out our assignment from yesterday and turned it in. When we were finished turning in the assignment we started on a new set of notes. The notes were over body paragraphs, the first thing we went over with them was drafting. We went over how to draft a body paragraph as a class first before doing it on our own as our exit ticket. As we went over how to draft a body paragraph we went over six simple steps in formatting a body paragraph. The steps consisted of the topic sentence, evidence number one, the explanation for evidence number one, evidence two, the explanation for evidence two, and lastly the conclusion. After going over those steps we created our own body paragraph and turned up it in before the end of class. Overall, todays class was on the easy side seeing as the paragraphs were easy to write.



Reflection - 1/16/23

 Today in class we took the assessment from Friday. Since we took the assessment during bell ringer time we didn’t do the bell ringer on blogger and instead completed it by talking about it as a class discussion. After we finished the bell ringer we jumped into notes for the day. Todays notes were over the writing process. My guess is we’re going to be writing an essay soon so we’re studying ways to better our writing skills. Overall, todays class was pretty easy due to the fact all we really did was take notes and have class discussions.

Reflection 1/13/23

  Today in class we went over tips and tricks to help us excel on test, that took up most of class. After the tips and tricks Mr.Rease went over questions we’d have on our assessment soon.Today we didn’t really have a full lesson we just talked and had conversations about the tips and tricks. We also had to go get our chromebooks checked so we didn’t get the chance to start our assessment. Overall, todays class was pretty easy since we didn’t do much.

Reflection 1/12/23

  Today in class we watched a short film called ‘The Last 3 Minutes’. The film showed a man dying and as he died it showed us his whole life in 3 Minutes. The film was an important aspect in class because it gave us the subject there we did our bell ringer on. In the bell ringer we talked about the purpose of life and whether the short film portrayed that well. The film portrayed my view of the purpose of life pretty well, as it showed how in order to truly have lived you have actually live life it the fullest. The film showed all the fun and sad, unhappy moments take make up life as a whole. After we finished the bell ringer we read a poem called “I, Too” by Langston Hughes. The poem talked about change in the world and how even if we were equal then we can be equal now.

The Last 3 Minutes

I believe the message of the short film was to cherish every moment in your life because you never know when it might be your last day. The short film captured all his happy and sad moments all while he was slowly dying. I believe the purpose of life is to live it to the fullest, because when you look back as you get older you don’t want to regret anything or wish you did more of anything. The film captured that the guy may have regretted decisions he made in his younger years which brought him to great place he was. Overall i feel like if you live life to the fullest it’ll make dying not feel as big of a deal because you feel as though you actually lived.

Reflection 1/11/23

  Today in class we started class off by completing our discussion questions from the prom we read yesterday. We then put that on pause and started looking at our next poem. The poem we read today was called ‘Mother to Son’ by Langston Hughes. Todays poem was about the speakers son coming to his mother complaining about how life is hard and her explaining how she went through hardships when she was his age as well. She explains to her son how the hardships are needed in life and it’s okay to be stressed but never okay to give up. After we finished analyzing the poem we started on our discussion questions on this poem for the remainder of the class.

Reflection 1/10/23

  Today in class we talked about good valuable advice we’ve gotten from our parents or guardians. After that we started on a poem by Langston Hughes called ‘The Negro Speaks of Rivers”. We watched the backstory to the prom and we annotated the prom through the classes vision. That took up most of class because we paused a lot and got caught up in multiple sidebars about the poem and its theme. Before class fully ended we wrote about where our ancestry is rooted at and also talked about Mr.Rease’s ancestry and how mostly black people have messed up ancestry due to slavery.

The Best Advice

 Some of the best advice my mother has given me is to stop putting energy into people when they aren’t giving the same amount of energy. There was multiple situations where she gave me that advice. One situation where she gave me the advice was when we were talking about friendships and I was explaining how sometimes I felt like I overdid it in them. I followed the advice to a certain measure because for some situations i couldn’t fully follow the advice. The result of her advice in some situations was i lost a few friends but i also loss stress that i was deking with.

Reflection 1/9/23

 Today in class we watched a short film called ‘The Elevator', afterwards we talked ant the themes of the short film. After the bell ringer we did a kahoot about Mr.Rease. The top three people who had correct answers got a free test, assignment, and blog card. After that we took a pretest until the end of class. The test in my opinion was pretty easy, it was short too so that made it easier to complete. Overall, todays class was easy and pretty chill in my opinion we didn’t do much.

The Elevator Short Flim

 I think the film was made to explain how different events have different outcomes. I liked how it explained how too many people in one place can have bad outcomes even if it’s two different stories. The two themes of the film are that one every action has a reaction. The second one is cause and effect. Those are the two themes i choose because in my opinion they explain the film the best.


  My name is Azarea Morgan. After highschool i want to major in journalism and minor in creative writing. My hobbies consist of reading, working, and occasionally writing. My three favorite music artist are Bryson Tiller, Tyler the Creator, and Future. Three interesting facts about me are that I’ve never been on a plane before, I’ve never had my own room, and I have a buttload of stuff animals from overtime. My favorite food is most likely tacos. A place I would like to visit is Asia, because of the people and the culture around the area.