
Showing posts from March, 2023

Reflection - 3/31/2023

 Today we just continued our EOC review. We read two stories that talked about student loans and how they affect college graduates after life. Since the passages were about college and student loans there was many side conversations. But we did end up completing some of the assignment. We didn’t get to do the part where we wrote an essay about both paragraphs so well do that when we come back from break. Since there was two passages and many side conversations that one assignment took the whole class period.

Reflection - 3/30/2023

 Today Mr.Rease wasn’t here so we had a sub so we took a pause on our EOC preparations. Today we just had to complete vocabulary work. After finishing the vocabulary we just sat in class and talked or did other class work. Today’s assignment was easy as well since we only had to do the exercises 1,3, and 4. Since we had a sub and only one assignment we finished pretty early. Overall, todays class period was fairly easy. 

Reflection - 3/29/2023

Today we did some EOC practice, by practice i mean we read two different passages and answered constructed responses over each passages. We also did some argumentative research with both passages because that will also be in the EOC. Since that took all class period we just worked on the questions until the end of the period. These last few weeks are going to be going over EOC like questions to help prepare us for the EOC. Overall, today we just worked on preparing ourselves for the EOC. 

Reflection- 3/28/2023

 Today we just worked on creating a poem of our own 

Reflection - 3/27/2023

 Today we started a new poem and we answered a few constructive responses over the poem. Before starting on the questions about the poem we completed a bell ringer. Since we didn’t have enough time Mr.Rease only asked us to complete at least 1-5. I ended up only completing 2 and a half. Since I was rereading and over analyzing the questions I ended up behind. Even though I didn’t finish the assignment I feel as though I have a better understanding of the poem.

Reflection - 3/24/2023

Today we had a test over the play “Fences”, the test was fairly easy due to the fact that the play was very straightforward. We also turned in our projects over the story. Since the test had an essay question we took the whole class period to complete it. After completing the quiz, it wasn’t really that much time left in class so i just decided to work on work for other classes and prepare to leave. Some of the questions on the test were a little hard just because i missed a few days of reading.Other than that the day was fairly easy and light work.

Reflection - 3/23/2023

 Today we started a project over the story “Fences”, the project had different choices for us to choose from based on what we knew about the story and what we wanted to do. I chose to do the 10 websites i believe a certain character would look up. I chose this one because while it may be easy, it also helps you know and learn more about your character. I say that because you can build a brief of what the character was like offscreen in a way. I chose Cory, because u feel like as a someone who is also in high school, I can easily think up 10 websites I believe he would look up also based off what I know about him as a character 

Reflection- 3/22/23

 Wasn’t in class due to a college fair. 

Reflection - 3/21/2023

 The story “Fences” is morally about keeping people that you feel close to in your life. The story starts off by introducing Troy one of the main characters and you can’t tell right ten and there but as you read and you can kinda of see that Troy seems to be trying to slowly get away from the fence by going to Taylors every Saturday. I say that because when Troy tells Rose about his affair he kind of hints to the fact that he uses Alberta as a distraction from Rose and the house. Also, the building of the fence shows the meaning of the story because Troy is building the fence around the house as a metaphor to show that all the bad that comes with the family should be kept in that house and in that area. Also hinting that the memories all stay in them with that house.

Reflection - 3/20/2023

 Today we started watching the movie verizon of “Fences” and we were also finishing up our discussion questions over the story “Fences”. The movie portrayed the book very well while also showing more in-depth outcomes of the book. The discussion questions were very easy due to the fact we did them as a class. After finishing the questions we just finished our the class period watching the movie. We got to a good part of the movie before class ended and it portrayed the emotions and actions of the characters very well.

Reflection - 3/17/2023

Today we finished reading the play “Fences”. After finished the play we started on an assignment where we answered questions based on what we read in the play. We also had side conversations about each question as we answered them as a class. We didn’t finish the questions since by the time we finished the play it was already around 11. We are watching the movie Monday and Tuesday, and finishing the questions as well. The questions were pretty self explanatory and also helped cause many side conversations as a class about how each person would answer the question.

Reflection - 3/16/2023

 Wasn’t in class do to AMI.

Reflection - 3/15/2023

 Today we continued reading “Fences” , but unlike yesterday we had an assignment to do with it. Today we wrote claims about the four main characters in the play. We have also made it through nearly the whole play. This scene in “fences” talked about Troys childhood and somewhat explained why he acts the way he acts. We also touched more of the subject on which why Lyon’s is the way he is and how Troys absence has affected his life.

Reflection - 3/14/2023

 Today we continued reading our play form yesterday, but before doing so we completed our annotation sheet form yesterday since we didn’t have time to in class. Today since we didn’t have an annotation for these scenes we were able to read more than just one scene. We also were introduced new characters in todays readings, with new readers for the parts. Todays reading resulted in a conversation after about missed opportunities and logical thinking. We talked about whether or no the main character Troy’s son Cory was thinking logically about the way he spent money. Everyone expressed their own opinions, but we concluded that he can be thinking both logically and politically he just has to go about his choices correctly.

Relegation - 3/13/2023

 Today we started a play in class. The play is called “Fences”, before starting the play we read over what we were doing and how to complete the assignment we were assigned, then we watched a trailer over the movie for the play. We also watched a documentary on the author, which talked about the play and other short stories he wrote. Before reading the play we talked about what the play may be about based on the title, this lead to a conversation about metaphorical and physical fences and why people build them. We then presented the roles of the characters for the first act of the play and started reading. Since the book is pretty short and Mr.Rease wants everyone to get a chance to read he announced that we will be changing the roles up every day.

Reflection - 3/10/2023

 Today was à independent learning day, so we didn’t have class. Since we didn’t have class, we just were assigned to complete old or missing work. Since it was an independent learning day, I’m just completing old missing assignments from math class. I’m also just going to be studying for my sat since i take it tomorrow morning. Overall, i’m not doing anything else. 

Reflection - 3/9/2023

 Today we had to take a benchmark test so we didn’t do anything but that. We talked about what our requirements for class tomorrow will be but other than that we just started the test and did that until the end of the class period. To me the test was slightly easier than i thought it was, After reading the passages the questions were a breeze. After I finished my test, I started to try and complete work for other classes. Since we didn’t do anything but the test, it was very quite in the class and after you finished the test you really had nothing to do.

Reflection - 3/8/2023

 Today Ms.Cook took over and thought the class. We started another poem. This poem was shorter than the last two read though, we started the class off by doing a bell ringer to give us an idea of what the poem would be about. After we finished the bell ringer and had a class discussion about it, we started reading poem. We had to read it twice to get a full understanding because the poem was very short. In à summary the poem was about how the seasons changing is equivalent to people growing and dying and the world changing as we all die. I liked todays poem because it gives you a deeper understanding of life itself.

Reflection - 3/7/2023

 Today we kind of did the same thing as yesterday just with a different story. We’ve been working on annotating different poems and this weeks author is Robert Frost. The poems have been kind of easy to decipher but at the same time they’re hard too. Mr.Rease and Ms.Cook have been switching when it comes to teaching the class. Some days Mr.Rease teaches some days she teaches. 

Reflection - 3/6/2023

 Today in class we started a new poem, we haven’t read poems in a good few weeks so Mr.Rease decided that he wanted to start back reading poems again. The author who we are reading from right now is Robert Frost. Before, we read the poem “Out,Out” we watched a documentary over the author. We started a new way of annotating today as well. Honestly the class was easy after i got some understanding of what the poem was talking about. 

Reflection - 3/3/2023

 Today we finished up the last few presentations and finished our quiz. Since there was a basketball game today we had to go in the hallway and wait for like 15 minutes for them to do the parade thing they wanted to do for the basketball team. After the so called parade for over we just went back to class and continued our quiz like assignment and if you finished the quiz you started on your vocabulary. I did not start on my vocabulary because i was working on the quiz still before the end of class. The day was really boring to be honest because half the school was gone due to the game so the whole day i just really wanted to go home and go to sleep.

Reflection - 3/2/2023

 Today we presented our projects from yesterday. Since my group had to present we decided to go first. Our presentation was pretty good in my opinion, i feel as though we did what was required by the rubric and we succeeded in our presenting, apart from our eye contact and things of that sort. We didn’t  do much after we had presented, since that took up the first half of class. After the last person presented we were given a test like sheet where we answered questions based off the passage for the rest of the class period. The class was easy today apart form the presenting part, the discussion questions were pretty easy and straightforward.

Reflection - 3/1/2023

Today in class we did a group project type  thing over the story we read Monday. Since Ms.Cook has been taking over the class recently the work has easy and very hands on. Today we just worked on our projects and decided who was going to present Thursday and Friday. My group is presenting Thursday so we made sure to get all our work together today before the end of class. After we either completed or nearly completed the assignment we were given an exit ticket question where everyone in the class had to guess Ms.Cooks first name. The groups that came close got an extra five points to their project.