
Showing posts from February, 2023

Reflection - 2/28/2023

 Today was a good day as a class. Ms.Cook took over the class today and had us read a passage about a solider who killed someone and felt many regrets about it. As a class we read and annotated our opinions about certain aspects of the passage. After reading she had us as groups decide whether we were pro killing or against it and mainly people chose against or in-between. She had us explain why we felt the way we felt, then we had a sort of debate like thing as a class where we explained our points and we gave textual evidence. Overall, i enjoyed todays class because it felt very hands on and the story was a great pick for a story.

Reflection - 2/27/2023

 Today we had a sub so we didn’t really do much. We had an assignment where we had to read a passage about the side effects of video games and how they affect many American youths learning growth. Since the passage was long and there were 7 multiple choice and 5 constructed response we had the whole class period to complete. Due to the black history program the school had going on, i had to leave class early so i didn’t have a chance to turn in my work. Overall, today was a slight easy day because we didn’t have to do much even though my feet were killing me after helping out with the program.

Reflection - 2/24/2023

 Today we didn’t do anything because we had a free day. But the free day gave us time to reflect and get other work done. Due to planning our class has fell behind in the class so we will have a lot to do on Wednesday. The class period consisted of many side conversations between all the different groups of students. We also went over the requirements for our blogs and we went over our grading system in the class. Other than  that nothing really happened today and it was a very chill light day. 

Free day blog

 I feel like we should get a free because it will give people a chance to either catch up in other classwork or work for this class. Also having a free day can help people who are stressed out due to school giving them a breather before their next class. We should get a free day since we already planned to have a day with no work, because doing work that we planned to do on Monday will cause a change in the daily lesson plans. Free days or in this  instance a free class period could be like the equivalent to a mental health day for many students who are stressing and struggling. Overall, there are many reasons why one would have a free day but my main reason would be to have a class period to relax and take a breather.

Reflection - 2/23/2023

 Today we didn’t do anything because we had an assembly on drunk driving. Since the assembly took all of second period we never got a chance to even start the lesson. Due to those circumstances class was very easy today. Overall, the assembly was okay, you could barely hear anything or see anything and it was hot though.

Reflection - 2/22/2023

 Today in class we presented our black history projects. We only did a few though, after the few presented we started taking notes on a video about black excellence. We had to complete a video lesson note paper before the end of class as well. Since we didn’t finish the video due to a small amount of time we never completed our exit ticket. Before we watched the video we briefed on known facts about the black community and how we differ from other communities. Overall, the class was easy and light today.

Reflection - 2/21/2023

 We didn’t have school yesterday due to presidents’ day. Today was an easy day all we did was vocabulary. We had to do 15 sentences then do activities one and three. After we finished that we had the ability to chill in class or work on other classwork. Over the long weekend we had the chance to do our black history project that was due Friday at 11:59. Overall, today class was very easy.

Reflection - 2/15/2023

 I was on a field trip so i didn’t go to class today.

Reflection - 2/14/2023

 Today we had a different teacher instead of Mr.Rease. She was very nice and i enjoyed her class. She was very engaging and she has a great teaching style. Aww read a poem called “Harlem” by Langston Hughes. I also enjoyed the way she went through the annotations as a class. After we read and did the annotation of the poem we did a class assignment where we wrote either a poem or a summary of our dream and how we planned to achieve it. Overall, todays class was very interesting.

Reflection - 2/13/23

 Today in class we read another poem. This poem was by Maya Angelou and before we read the poem we watched a short biography about her. The poems name was “The Black Family”, Its about how the black community isn’t connect to our roots.It explains how youth is being lost and the hard work that many of our ancestors went through is all for nothing. The whole poem was a pledge to better our community for the future. After we finished the poem we talked about our class project that’s due Friday. Overall, the class was easy today and very light.

Reflection - 2/10/2023

 Today we took at benchmark. Since the benchmark was so long and so important we had the whole class period to complete it. Since we haven’t done much in Mr.Rease there hasn’t been anything to write about in the blogs. He told us about how we will have a project for our vocabulary test next week. Overall, we had an easy successfully week in his class this week.

Reflection - 2/9/2023

 Today in class we finished our Emily Dickinson analysis. That was all we did the whole class period. Since we had 20 questions he gave us two days to complete it. We had a brief about what we’d be doing the next few days. We didn’t do anything aside from doing the analysis so there’s not much to write about for today. Overall, the class was light and easy today.

Reflection - 2/8/2023

 Today in class we started our assignment on Emily Dickinson poem quotes. Before we started that though we watched three different trailers for three different versions of Emily Dickinson stories. For the assignment he wanted us to do briefs on 20 different quotes from different poem by her. This assignment is to prepare us for our test over her on Friday. Since this weeks vocabulary is a poster he is giving us next week to complete it instead of making us rush which is so very helpful. Overall, todays class was very easy and we didn’t do much.

Reflection - 2/7/2023

 Todays class was also easy just like yesterdays. For todays class all we did was present our one pagers. Since we had to do a brief on the one pagers that took us all class to complete. Other than presenting our one pagers we didn’t do much. Overall, today was an easy and relaxing day.

one pager


Reflection - 2/6/2023

 Today in class we started class off by doing task 1 and 3 over our week three vocabulary. After we completed the task we had to finish our one pager. Since that’s all we had to do today, todays class was very easy. We also talked about what we’d be doing for the vocabulary test this week. Overall todays class was easy due to the fact we didn’t really do anything 

Reflection - 2/3/2023

 Today we started class off by doing our week 2 vocabulary test. During the test we had a level three lockdown which pushed back our time for our one pagers. After the drill we over with we finished our test and got ready to start our one pager. For our one pager we were given twin papers just incase we messed up. We were given until Tuesday to do the one pager completely. For the rest of class we just worked on our one pager’s independently or in groups. Overall, todays class was very easy giving we didn’t have much to do.

Reflection - 2/2/2023

 Today in class we started class off by reading two more poems written by Emily Dickinson. After analyzing and reading both poems as a class, we got started on our group assignment. We were spilt up in different groups based off of different poems we were given. Im said groups we had to read and analyze the poems as a group. We did this until the bell rang for the end of class. We are doing this to prepared for our one pager we are doing as a class. Overall, today class just consisted of readying and analyzing which is fairly easy.

Reflection - 2/1/2023

 Today in class we started off class by watching a short film called “less than human”. After watching the film, we started the class assignment. The assignment today was to read the second Emily Dickinson poem “i felt a funeral in my brain” and do what we usually do but rather alone than as a class. We had a two sheets of paper one with the directions of the assignment and the other the actual poem. We just analyzed the poem and what it’s about by ourselves for 35 minutes. When we finished that we talked about our analysis as a class until the end of the class period. Overall, todays class was fairly easy giving as the poem was easy to interpret.