
Showing posts from April, 2023

Reflection - 4/28/2023

 Mr.Reade wasn’t here today so we didn’t really do anything in class. Since Ms.Cook was watching us we spent most of the class just talking to her and having conversations with her. I was also moving around a lot doing stuff for other classes and things of that nature so i didn’t really pay attention to what was going on in classroom. I had lost track of time so by the time i actually started the assignment it was already time to go.

Reflection - 4/27/2023

 Today we had to rush and finish up our project beachside Mr.Reasee changed the due date last minute due to him being absent Friday. Completing the assignment was t hard though given the fact most of the work was in the same assignment we had already did. My only struggle was the pictures and turning it in on the website. He gave us until 11:59 to turn it in so u was able to turn it in right before the deadline was met. Since he wasn’t going to be at school on Friday, we kept the summary sheet and he said we’d turn it in on Monday. 

Reflection - 4/26/2023

 Today we started on the assignment we were supposed to do yesterday. We started our career powerpoint, we had to pick one of the two careers we had and we are doing a powerpoint over them. The career i chose was social work, since we were doing a powerpoint over the careers we had to get more information from another website, so before starting the assignment Mr.Rease had to show us what he’s looking for in the powerpoint and where we can go to get the information. After going over the details of the assignment we started it, he’s giving us until Friday to complete it.

Reflection - 4/25/2023

 Due to testing going over time we never went to second period. Since we didn’t go to class today we didn’t do anything today.

Reflection - 4/24/23

 Today we started a career research assignment. This assignment consisted of us taking a test to determine the careers that beat fit our qualifications. After taking the test and picking tow careers, we researched each career with the help of Mr.Rease to see which career is most efficient in the future. After researching our careers, we had to answer questions on both careers and turn them in because we’d be using them tomorrow for class. If we didn’t finish them in class we were supposed to take them home and complete them at home.

Reflection - 4/21/2023

Due to testing we had to go to second block during 1st block, also due to testing we aren’t doing work today so we’re just sitting in class either making up old work or doing work for other classes. Due to the lack of work there isn’t really anything to talk about. 

Reflection - 4/20/2023

 Today was our last day of testing, we took section 2 & 3. This was the harder testing day just because we had to be in the testing rooms way longer. In section 2 we had to write the narrative, and this section had fairly long passages so the hardest part was getting finished on time while collectively reading each passage. After we finished section 2, we took like a 15 minute break before starting on section 3. Section 3 was very easy since we didn’t have any constructed responses. This section consisted of multiple choice and many grammar questions. 

Reflection - 4/19/2023

 Today we took section 1 of the EOC, this section was fairly easy the stories weren’t long and we didn’t have many questions. This section was the one where we didn’t know if we’d get argumentative or informational. I ended up getting informational which was easy to conduct giving the passage we had to base it off. The passages were about hackers, so writing an informational essay about it was very easy. Other than that the test just consisted of multiple choice questions that were very easy to answer. 

Reflection - 4/18/2023

 Today we just did more EOC practice, we take the first section of the EOC on Wednesday so today we’re just going over basic tips and tricks to help with the EOC. Today we just read two stories and went over what would be required of us when writing an informational essay. Since we don’t know who will the argumentative essay or the informational essay we’ve went over both. We didn’t end up actually writing an essay though, we ended up just going over tips on how to better our writing. After we did that we were called up to Mr.Rease and he gave us input on our argumentative essays.

Reflection - 4/17/2023

 Today all we did was EOC practice and take notes on what will be expected of us during the EOC. After going over the notes we were given a story to read and had to answer questions as our edit ticket. This was meant to help us decipher the reading so when we’re doing our reading during our test we can make connections and better our writing skills. The notes we took were over our test and what should expect from all three sections. We went over what was required from each section and how to get the best overall grade in the sections. 

Reflection - 4/14/2023

 Today we spent the class period finishing our argumentive essays. This week we were focusing heavy on the argumentative part of our EOC, giving that we take the EOC next week we are in a sort of rush. Since essays and stuff like that is fairly easy to me though im not really worried about it. I finished my essay before class ended following the rubric Mr.Rease had given us. Since I was on the pro side when writing my second body paragraph I had to counterclaim, i made sure to us the tips and tricks Mr.Reade gave us when doing so.

Reflection 4/13/2023

 Today we started our arguments essay, Mr.Rease gave us  a prompt and we read it and did some research on both sides before picking our side. After picking our side, we started on our introduction paragraph. Since most of the class consisted of reading and research we only completed the introduction and 1st body paragraph before class was over. The prompts were about whether we believed museums should return artifacts that were stolen or unrightfully taken to their rightful countries and or cultures. I am pro doing that because I believe that keeping something that rightfully belongs to someone else’s culture and history is beyond wrong.

Reflection - 4/12/23

 Today we continued working on our EOC practice but today Mr.Rease allowed us to work on the assignment independently. Todays assignment consisted of two passages about the same thing with different views on the topic. Lately we’ve been doing a lot on argumentative essays and how to decipher them. Todays lesson was to show us how to compare and contrast both stories to help better our writing when writing the argumentative essays. Since it was independent, i feel like it was easier and i was able to work at my own pace rather than everyone else’s. The stories we read today were about museums and how certain artifacts deserve to be given back to their rightful cultures or countries. One side argued for that and the other argued against it.

Reflection - 4/11/23

 Mr.Rease came back today so we started our EOC practice. Today we did practice on the actual website where we’ll be taking the exam. Since I already knew how to use the exam giving that i just took a milestone last semester i just listened while he explained the process. After that we actually started to work on some practice problems but we didn’t actually do them, Mr.Rease just showed us how we’re supposed to us the tools given to us to help us explain and better our answer choices while testing. That process took the whole class period so we didn’t do any other types of EOC preparations.

Reflection - 4/10/23

 Today we didn’t do anything because Mr.Rease wasn’t at school. We didn’t have a sub so Ms.Cook stayed in the class with us and just either talked to us or let us do our own thing. Due to Mr.Rease not being at school and us not having an assignment the day was fairly easy and the class period was even easier.